There's the human dimension where we have pop stars and incredible, fun music, the excitement of tours, dancing to the new music, grateful for what it brings to our lives, and then there is what it opens: what world mythologist and Grateful Dead friend Joseph Campbell said that true artists are to do: "break open holes to eternity" so that we experience in the here and now what we really are, not just commodities in a people realm, but a dimension of eternal Beings sharing this experience of opening the expression of ourselves into its fullest, destined beauty--participating in eternity now in all that we are and being stunned by our existences. Katy's music does this not just on the format realm. There's also the Dharmadhatu, the "absolute reality" where our Dharma bodies, our thoughts, words, and actions are operating in a deeper cause in the universe, all connected and affecting each other whether they are seen or not. Nothing is actually “hidden” or not known. The effects of our dharma bodies are active. In the “Pure Land,” the exact same place where we are but blocked out by hard human minds, things operate in a perfect order no human could plan. And wildly, it can be seen in what Katy was born to. Two months before she was born in October 1984 with a stellium of five planets in the secret depths of Scorpio, Truman Capote was writing his last words he intended for Joanne Carson’s birthday that October and he was trying to manipulate and cover up a lie. He had plagiarized all of Breakfast at Tiffany’s from Willa Cather, but he was still trying to make it look like a personal relationship with Willa to seemingly ‘justify’ the intellectual property theft that made him a huge star. The day before he passed he wrote down his tale of having met Willa Cather in NYC using a scene from Breakfast at Tiffany’s, the NYC library. Books! One of the major works he took from was Willa’s The Song of the Lark wherein a female internal transformation takes place in Arizona in 1915. 100 years later in 2015 Katy played Super Bowl 49 there. When I first came to know @johnmayer Katy was already in his protective role when my writing about Breakfast at Tiffany’s started being stolen.