. . . the planets have aligned in such a way that Pluto is where it was for the American and French Revolutions, Uranus is in the position of WWII and the Holocaust, all the first returns since those times, and now Neptune will enter 0˚ Aries, with the last time it being there was the beginning of the American Civil War. It's a good time to be named after a Civil War battle and look back into #BattleStudies and what art can do.
From a time when the highest attainments have been prescribed as profits and commercialism, ‘Sell, Sell, Sell!’ and now as those billionaires are set on tearing down the very systems that enabled them, tearing down the garden, the home, and bridge behind them,
for the past 15 years i have been, without stopping writing about the music, art, and literature, determined to set things right for John Mayer from someone who tried to steal his life, his choices, his art, and personhood from him, based on a lie that can be easily disproved,
and I have been determined to do this through the eternal art because it does culturally matter what we actually value, such as eternal wisdom and the heroics of altering the world away from war and where everyone can have a home.
Art has always been the carrier of that, and it powerfully moves around political systems, it moves past narcissism, past despotism, past ego, past fraud, and arrives again at humanity as that which exalts the human spirit and lifts our values again to humanity and strengthens the will of having them, coming from the deep internal/eternal.