Here in these pages are the lived moments of a remarkable decade of transition, writing, and creating: the photographs, personal blog posts, letters, creation process, and literary articles that brought about the wildest of discoveries of art, artists and the acts and ancient poetic blueprints of transforming life and culture and revealing true identities, inner character and destinies that I write about in Coyote Weaves a Song: A Mythological Song from the Beginning of Time and show the weave of in the art print 'Until Shiloh Comes': Cosmic Flow Tapestry.
480 Pages, Full Color + B/W Photographs
Paperback: 480 pages
Publisher: Books of the Southwest; First edition, Published on September 11, 2018
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0692933301
ISBN-13: 978-0692933305
Product Dimensions: 8 x 1.1 x 10 inches
Soft cover, 480 pages of full color & B/W Photographs
Here in these pages are the lived moments of a remarkable decade of transition, writing, and creating: the photographs, personal blog posts, letters, creation process, and literary articles that brought about the wildest of discoveries of art, artists and the acts and ancient poetic blueprints of transforming life and culture and revealing true identities, inner character and destinies that I write about in Coyote Weaves a Song: A Mythological Song from the Beginning of Time and show the weave of in the art print 'Until Shiloh Comes': Cosmic Flow Tapestry. This is the living of them inside the process and their coming to bursting, full, unimaginable life. It is also the communication which was part of the discovery and sustaining of an extraordinary recognition with another human being, John Mayer, which began in an immediate, deeper cognizance, a “knowing” in seeing someone and there is no time or space and as if there never has been; a knowing—there he is, and what seemed to be melts away to the realness. It is also a connecting with one’s Being through the creative process that brings it to unfathomable life. These pages are a selection of the things I wrote to John beginning in the spring of 2010.
The time here is encompassed in the expanse of a decade sustained by an eight-year relationship with a white lightening Love beam, a burst of wonder of a Bichon Frise named Moonbeam, and in his passing, understanding finally the fullness of what is shown. Moonbeam passed on September 13/14, 2015. The 13th was the last day I saw him alive, and he passed when I went to pick him up the next morning, when I arrived, but before I could see him. In a series of unending extraordinary occurrences, this happened during the time I was writing about Michelangelo’s Sistine Ceiling and about Dante’s Divine Comedy. Dante’s own passing is also written as the unmistakable September 13/14, 1321. In a most astonishing note beyond more unimaginable correlations, both thirteen and fourteen days after Moonbeam’s passing, on September 27 and 28, 2015, was the phenomenal display of the red Super Blood Moon coming brilliantly across the night sky for all the world to see. In the next couple of weeks it was this excruciating pain of his passing that made me notice as I looked at the Sistine art work the white dog moving on the Sistine Chapel walls, even in motion coming out of a fresco and stepping down to the Pope’s “throne,” and realizing the significance of the white dog star Sirius, the transition before the Sun, moving to the arrival of the goddess Isis to her usurped throne. This is the book of years, experiences and communication that was leading to these extraordinary happenings and discoveries.