THE HERMES IN BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S is happening in reality. The tricksters are in full view. It started with a lie about John Mayer.

On Being: Snow White and the Emergence of Presence and the Real Poetic: Unseen Visions of "Being" in the Woods

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In viewing popular culture as powerful current mythology, and in seeing inside the fairy tale Snow White and from Snow White’s radiant state of “Being” in the woods in personal narrative, and from others following their own true natures to get there, such as John Mayer, Kanye West, Katy Perry, and Lady Gaga, among many others, a different kingdom emerges right where the unreal once stood. Cultural transformation, in addition to inner awakening, the social rite of consciousness, is the artist's realm, the bringing forth that visibility, as in rite, story, and Song, in awakening the whole to the very Now and real. This awakening also importantly shows a clear and defining difference between a world-transformative artist such as Joni Mitchell, and a damaging, false image bought and taken by empty, deceptive character in Taylor Swift, and the far-reaching ramifications of this unnatural hunger for never-ending (internal and external) conflict in Taylor's seeking headlines and illusory glory. The stolen and contrived for ill, narcissistic gain is damaging to the whole. Universal movements show the difference and flow (or lack thereof) of the inner state. The very real story demonstrates who keeps the audience unaware for self-gain, versus those who break awareness open, and why that is so necessary. In this, the transformation of the real symbol of the queen, from throughout history and in this Moment, representative of the state of Being, comes alive to be living and breathing straight from ancient literature, mythology, and directly from prehistoric art in one universal Moment through Paris and the English monarchy, these highest symbols of transformed culture, leaving a wave everywhere. This work presents the revelations for the powerful current state of affairs in popular culture, as well as individual opening to awareness through alive, timeless art.


Paperback: 296 pages, B & W Images
Publisher Imprint: Books of the Southwest; First edition, Published on January 11, 2019
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-793-91766-9
Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.7 x 10 inches

In viewing popular culture as powerful current mythology, and in seeing inside the fairy tale Snow White and from Snow White’s radiant state of “Being” in the woods in personal narrative, and from others following their own true natures to get there, such as John Mayer, Kanye West, Katy Perry, and Lady Gaga, among many others, a different kingdom emerges right where the unreal once stood. Cultural transformation, in addition to inner awakening, the social rite of consciousness, is the artist's realm, the bringing forth that visibility, as in rite, story, and Song, in awakening the whole to the very Now and real. This awakening also importantly shows a clear and defining difference between a world-transformative artist such as Joni Mitchell, and a damaging, false image bought and taken by empty, deceptive character in Taylor Swift, and the far-reaching ramifications of this unnatural hunger for never-ending (internal and external) conflict in Taylor's seeking headlines and illusory glory. The stolen and contrived for ill, narcissistic gain is damaging to the whole. Universal movements show the difference and flow (or lack thereof) of the inner state. The very real story demonstrates who keeps the audience unaware for self-gain, versus those who break awareness open, and why that is so necessary. In this, the transformation of the real symbol of the queen, from throughout history and in this Moment, representative of the state of Being, comes alive to be living and breathing straight from ancient literature, mythology, and directly from prehistoric art in one universal Moment through Paris and the English monarchy, these highest symbols of transformed culture, leaving a wave everywhere. This work presents the revelations for the powerful current state of affairs in popular culture, as well as individual opening to awareness through alive, timeless art.