Books of the Southwest presents THE HERMES IN BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S happening in art and reality to break open a wrong. The world-altering artists are in full view. They are always necessary when freedom and spiritual abundance have been closed off and not 'allowed' to be spoken, as Homer showed in his epic song, rumor holds over the eternal artistic voice until it can be internally known. In brief, Penelope is the only one who speaks it and moves on. It started with a concocted lie about John Mayer brewing from 2008 from a young plagiarist in the music industry with hired marketers and publicists from a capitalist's money.

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Re-Finding the Passage to Wonderland

The Art of Re-Seeing through Michael A. Amundson's Passage to Wonderland: Rephotographing Joseph Stimson's Views of the Cody Road to Yellowstone National Park 1903 & 2008 Originally published 2 December 2014 In a liminal state the rules change. What was firmly believed able to be relied on is destabilized. Everything shifts and takes on unknown and unexpected qualities. It is the state wherein change not only happens, but also wherein everything changes and becomes something that it wasn't. One aspect of a liminal space and time that is remarkably recurrent is that the hero has no social status. Since it is a threshold--a doorway--it requires change—or a regression. Travel to the American West has always been an entering into a liminal space and...

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