Books of the Southwest presents THE HERMES IN BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S happening in art and reality to break open a wrong. The world-altering artists are in full view. They are always necessary when freedom and spiritual abundance have been closed off and not 'allowed' to be spoken, as Homer showed in his epic song, rumor holds over the eternal artistic voice until it can be internally known. In brief, Penelope is the only one who speaks it and moves on. It started with a concocted lie about John Mayer brewing from 2008 from a young plagiarist in the music industry with hired marketers and publicists from a capitalist's money.

News — Genesis RSS

Up from 'The Crosses' of Las Cruces on the Jornada del Muerto there is a 400 year old Juniper Tree

  Conservatives would like for us to learn the Hebrew Bible and abide by it as the rules for our lives. I grew up with it. My name is in Jacob's prophecy, "Until Shiloh comes.” I am female. I knew as a child they didn’t like females, and later I saw that the curse in Genesis occurs at a reference to my name, of course in a sacred grove. I dearly love the forest where I live, the Lincoln National Forest. The opening of Willa Cather's novel Death Comes for the Archbishop follows the path up with references to the Jornada del Muerto of a red rock terrain and which is near my home in New Mexico. It is the description...

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