THE HERMES IN BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S is happening in reality. The tricksters are in full view. It started with a lie about John Mayer.

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Those in Taylor Swift's Hell, Stuck in a Repeated False Past, Can't See the Present Moment

Mayer fans have cried and walked beside John through Born & Raised when he had taken the space and time to deliver a soul-searching masterpiece (and still wanting to know what happened to Walt Grace on his Submarine Ride); they found the hope of love, freedom and promising new horizons in Paradise Valley with him (even visited Pine Creek Lodge in 2021 to help with a flooding), took up The Search for Everything, even when it meant alone with only the Poet to guide on an open unknown road, and found the wildest blue in Sob Rock, arriving at an inner realization of the pain and not-knowing making it all not only worthwhile, but supremely freeing and beautiful. Healing and sublime. In other words, they’ve lived their...

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