Books of the Southwest presents THE HERMES IN BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S happening in art and reality to break open a wrong. The world-altering artists are in full view. They are always necessary when freedom and spiritual abundance have been closed off and not 'allowed' to be spoken, as Homer showed in his epic song, rumor holds over the eternal artistic voice until it can be internally known. In brief, Penelope is the only one who speaks it and moves on. It started with a concocted lie about John Mayer brewing from 2008 from a young plagiarist in the music industry with hired marketers and publicists from a capitalist's money.

News — Liam Payne RSS

California and Finding the Very Real in Place

I was at The Grove Farmer’s Market in Los Angeles last Wednesday seated at a covered colorful bistro table in the afternoon amidst all the bustle talking to John Mayer when the urgent news came up that Liam Payne had just fallen in Buenos Aires. It was John’s birthday. I had gone off on my cute, sleek 2010 black Vespa to explore Los Angeles on my own, (he can’t very well go with me without making the news and that is not what is wanted that way for a number of reasons—this isn’t trading on fame, this is lifting things to a whole new level), so I was out to feel it for myself, in Roman Holiday freedom—in the very wild traffic,...

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Speaking Out

Liam Payne was very kind to me and I owe him this in speaking out about the all-encompassing, overwhelming pain he was feeling before his passing. Maybe I’m the only one who can speak against the narcissism because I’ve experienced it and watched it happen as a cultural state for a long time. I’ve written a great deal about it, but I never expected it to happen to such a beautiful young soul and for Liam to be vulnerable to getting hurt so badly. Fame, money, and power have seemingly become what is most important in our lives and economy, and not for the better. We have one man down. It's not okay.We have okayed narcissistic abuse to insidiously call...

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