At this moment I’m right outside of fame, right outside the industry, the press, somewhat purposefully so. It’s been a lifetime of intensity of thought. It culminates in this moment with what we are all able to bring together. As a child I was all right with that intensity, the encapsulation in an odd isolation because I knew it had a purpose. I did the hard work, the hard thinking, the planning. For most those potentialities should come to fruition then in your twenties, when you’re ready to take on the world. My existence didn’t open up then in Beingness, creativity, and love. It stayed tightly encapsulated for further, deeper into teaching, writing, and literature, and after discovering that the...
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I was at The Grove Farmer’s Market in Los Angeles last Wednesday seated at a covered colorful bistro table in the afternoon amidst all the bustle talking to John Mayer when the urgent news came up that Liam Payne had just fallen in Buenos Aires. It was John’s birthday. I had gone off on my cute, sleek 2010 black Vespa to explore Los Angeles on my own, (he can’t very well go with me without making the news and that is not what is wanted that way for a number of reasons—this isn’t trading on fame, this is lifting things to a whole new level), so I was out to feel it for myself, in Roman Holiday freedom—in the very wild traffic,...
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John Mayer and Katy Perry were already friends in early 2009, even before “Half Of My Heart” was recorded. After writing to John Mayer for thirteen years, here are the stories in a series of articles of what was happening behind Taylor Swift's exploitation of John.
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Taylor Swift forced a false relationship with John Mayer to the press in 2010 and in the process showed how she was copying John's relationship with Jennifer Aniston, his social media, and his writing while also plagiarizing and taking on the personas of Faith Hill, Joni Mitchell, and author and illustrator Ian Falconer's "Olivia" in order to make herself into John Mayer's "Something Like Olivia" from his Born & Raised album in 2012.
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